Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fall In Lust: Aphrodisiacs Of The Harvest Season

In addition to falling leaves and the slight chill in the air, the smell of pumpkin, apples and spice is another telltale sign that autumn has arrived. But did you know that many of your favorite harvest foods are also natural aphrodisiacs? It's no wonder that this is the perfect time of year to "fall" in love.

In Medieval England, an autumnal celebration highlighted the fermented fruit of the apple tree, and the almost Bacchanalian merriment that would ensue after consuming these natural delights. Apples deliver a jolt of sweetness, and their high pectin keeps a sugar rush at bay while their even energy distribution will keep you going during a few hours of horizontal apple picking.

Is there anything sexier than a drizzle of the finest dark chocolate? Chocolate is thick, smooth, creamy, and delicious, but you already knew that. It's also believed to be a source of the same feel-good chemical that the body naturally produces during those first moments of falling in love.

Buttermilk is a popular ingredient in desserts for meals that call for a lush finale, and that same quality makes it a perfect aphrodisiac.  The wonderful feeling of cool buttermilk poured over the body can be enough to start an encore of good lovin'.

A spice considered to be culinary fairy dust that can inspire a long night of passion. Cinnamon was used in Asia to guard against colds, the bark of the cinnamon tree is also used as an aromatherapy agent for relaxation. Cinnamon is among the spices considered useful for producing “heat” within the body, and has been measured to increase appetite, both physical and sexual. 

Ginger plays into the aphrodisiac history of both the East and West. Although recipes for pumpkin pie spice vary, most also include nutmeg and cloves. All three of these intensely flavored spices help raise body temperature and have been used in the East to sweeten breath.

As an aphrodisiac, fennel may be most useful to women. In the 1930’s, fennel was considered to be used as a source for synthetic estrogen.

Maple Syrup
It's dark, rich and somewhat mysterious, but maple syrup’s aphrodisiac attributes are more extensive than its obvious charms. Maple syrup is a source of zinc, essential for healthy blood flow -- which will assist and enhance any orgasm. 

Pumpkin Spice Pie
The Smell & Taste Treatment & Research Foundation in a clinical study discovered that the scent of pumpkin pie spice in combination with lavender was extremely effective in arousing men. We don't think that you should be sprinkling pumpkin pie spice in your panties, but you may want to consider inviting the current object of your lust over for dessert in front of the fire and see what happens next.

Red Wines
Ah, wine, the gift of the gods. Not only will red wine halt those evil free radicals, and keep you skinny, and keep you young…but it turns out that a delicious cabernet will also boost your libido and that of your lover. 

The most expensive of the spices, Saffron's aphrodisiac allure, according to the Knights of Arabia, , is believed to be most effective on women. Like honey, it can give the body that quick fix of energy at a key moment but it adds a more distinctive flavor to foods than its golden cousin. 

Many food experts call the tomato, the "apple of love."  The sensation of eating a fresh, fully ripened, crisp, clean, juicy tomato is sexy all on its own. Tomatoes have been known to aid in sexual performance. They help calm pre-sex nerves, which can be especially helpful in a first-time-partner situation. 

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